Each user has an access level for each module of Herschel. These access levels are read from the user file whenever the user logs into the system.
Note that if a user has an access level of zero for a module, they will have no access to any of that module’s options. If a user has, for example, access level 4 to a module, then they will be able to use the options in that module that require an access level of 1, 2, 3 or 4.
The various access levels for each module's options are as follows:
Assemblies Module
Partnumber enquiry | 1 |
Assembly enquiry | 1 |
Where used enquiry | 1 |
Assembly explosion report | 2 |
Where used report | 2 |
Assembly file details report | 2 |
Assembly loop check report | 2 |
Assemblies not OK to make report | 2 |
Obsolete assemblies report | 2 |
Assembly units of measure report | 2 |
Roll up costs, summary report | 3 |
Roll up costs, detailed report | 3 |
Transfer route costs into assemblies report | 3 |
Transfer assembly costs to stock file report | 4 |
Roll up assembly costs option | 3 |
Transfer route costs option | 3 |
Quotation request tool | 3 |
Assembly tool | 3 |
Assembly unit of measure tool | 3 |
Mass replace a partnumber option | 4 |
Buy Module
Partnumber enquiry | 1 |
Purchase order enquiry | 1 |
Purchase order summary | 1 |
Where needed enquiry | 1 |
Vendor enquiry | 1 |
Price file enquiry | 3 |
Orders by partnumber report | 2 |
Orders by vendor report | 2 |
Orders by order number report | 2 |
Orders by duedate report | 2 |
Orders by entered by report | 2 |
Scheduled orders report | 2 |
Forward cash requirements report | 4 |
Tax statistics report | 4 |
Vendor details report | 3 |
Prices by partnumber report | 3 |
Prices by vendor report | 3 |
Purchase order tool | 3 (4 to delete) |
Urgent item tool | 2 |
Print an order option | 3 |
Print many orders option | 3 |
Receive a purchase order option | 2 |
Receive free issue items option | 2 |
Print a purchase receipt option | 2 |
Print many purchase receipts option | 2 |
Purchase receipt tool | 5 |
Purchase receipt labels option | 2 |
Vendor address labels option | 3 |
Clear receipts by vendor option | 5 |
Clear receipts by number option | 5 |
Uncleared receipts report | 4 |
Receipts summary & transfer report | 4 |
Vendor details tool | 3 |
Vendor pricelist tool | 4 |
Import vendor details option | 3 |
Delete & transfer old items option | 5 |
History Module
Partnumber enquiry | 1 |
Partnumber sales | 2 |
Partnumber sales summary | 2 |
Customer sales enquiry | 2 |
Sales order details enquiry | 2 |
Despatch / invoice details enquiry | 2 |
Sales by partnumber report | 2 |
Sales by customer report | 2 |
Sales summary by partnumber report | 2 |
Sales summary by customer report | 2 |
Sales summary by family report | 2 |
Sales summary by month report | 2 |
Sales summary analysis report | 2 |
Sales history export to Excel report | 2 |
Cost of sales report | 2 |
Customer performance analysis report | 2 |
Partnumber purchases enquiry | 2 |
Vendor purchases enquiry | 2 |
Purchase receipt details enquiry | 2 |
Purchases by partnumber report | 2 |
Purchase by vendor report | 2 |
Vendor performance analysis report | 2 |
Movement history enquiry | 1 |
Movement history report | 2 |
ABC analysis report | 3 |
Redundant stock analysis report | 2 |
Obsolete stock analysis report | 2 |
Make Module
Partnumber enquiry | 1 |
Works order enquiry | 1 |
Works order summary | 1 |
Where needed enquiry | 1 |
Trial kit a partnumber option | 2 |
Trial kit many partnumbers option | 2 |
Orders by partnumber report | 2 |
Orders by order number report | 2 |
Orders by duedate report | 2 |
Orders by release date report | 2 |
Trial kitting report | 2 |
Incorrectly kitted orders report | 2 |
Traceability search report | 2 |
Works order batch details report | 2 |
Works order tool | 4 (5 to delete) |
Create a set of works orders tool | 4 |
Create multiple orders tool | 4 |
Create from sales order tool | 4 |
Urgent item tool | 2 |
Print a kit list option | 3 |
Print many kit lists option | 3 |
Issue kit to an order option | 3 |
Issue an item to many orders option | 3 |
Works order kit tool | 4 |
Receive a works order option | 3 |
Explode assembly into stock | 4 |
Kit list labels option | 3 |
Works order labels option | 3 |
Delete old orders option | 5 |
Plan Module
Partnumber enquiry | 1 |
Assembly explosion | 1 |
Plan enquiry | 1 |
Parent enquiry | 1 |
Actions enquiry | 1 |
Weekly summary report | 2 |
Monthly summary report | 2 |
Full details report | 2 |
Monthly accuracy report | 2 |
Redundant stock report | 2 |
Purchases by partnumber report | 2 |
Purchases by vendor report | 2 |
Made in-house report | 2 |
Actions full details report | 2 |
Plan explosion option | 4 |
Forecasts tool | 3 |
Sell Module
Partnumber enquiry | 1 |
Sales order enquiry | 1 |
Sales order summary | 1 |
Customer enquiry | 1 |
Price file enquiry | 4 |
Orders by partnumber report | 2 |
Orders by customer report | 2 |
Orders by order number report | 2 |
Orders by duedate report | 2 |
Orders showing profile report | 2 |
Sales summary analysis report | 4 |
Stock availability report | 2 |
Sales order intake report | 4 |
Tax statistics report | 4 |
Customer details report | 5 |
Prices by pricelist report | 4 |
Prices by partnumber report | 4 |
Pricelist comparison report | 4 |
Sales order tool | 4 (5 to delete) |
Urgent item tool | 2 |
Print an acknowledgement option | 4 |
Print many acknowledgements option | 4 |
Despatch a sales order option | 3 |
Print a despatch note option | 3 |
Print many despatch notes option | 3 |
Despatch note tool | 5 |
Print an invoice option | 4 |
Print many invoices option | 4 |
Print summary invoices option | 4 |
Despatched but not invoiced report | 4 |
Despatch summary & transfer report | 4 |
Export documentation tool | 4 |
Print export documents option | 4 |
Despatch labels option | 3 |
Customer address labels option | 5 |
Customer details tool | 4 (6 to amend credit rating from version 12.0028) |
Customer address tool | 4 |
Sales pricelist tool | 4 |
Copy sales pricelists option | 4 |
Update sales pricelists option | 4 |
Import customer details option | 5 |
Import credit limits option | 5 |
Delete & transfer old items option | 5 |
Update tax percentages option | 4 |
Move all order lines option | 5 |
Shop Module
Partnumber enquiry | 1 |
Works order progress enquiry | 1 |
Works order summary option | 1 |
Work-to list enquiry | 1 |
Route enquiry | 1 |
Workcentres by workcentre report | 4 |
Workcentres by department report | 4 |
Operators by name report | 4 |
Operators by department report | 4 |
Route details report | 4 |
Order progress by partnumber report | 4 |
Order progress by order number report | 4 |
Work-to lists report | 4 |
Unbooked operations report | 4 |
Print a route card option | 2 |
Print many route card options | 2 |
Make a booking option | 2 |
Use an operational operation option | 3 |
Booking tool | 3 |
Record time worked option | 4 |
Time worked tool | 4 |
Job cost summary report | 4 |
Job cost details report | 4 |
Non-stock items report | 4 |
WIP valuation 1 report | 4 |
WIP valuation 2 report | 4 |
Time Worked Report | 4 |
Workcentre tool | 5 |
Operator tool | 5 |
Route tool | 5 |
Transfer costs to stock file option | 5 |
Store Module
Partnumber enquiry | 1 |
Family enquiry | 1 |
Partnumber details by partnumber report | 2 |
Partnumber details by family report | 2 |
Partnumber full details by family report | 2 |
Partnumber account details report | 2 |
Partnumber locations report | 2 |
Partnumber scrap allowances report | 2 |
Family details report | 2 |
Ordering details by partnumber report | 2 |
Ordering details by family report | 2 |
Cost comparisons by partnumber report | 5 |
Cost comparisons by family report | 5 |
Stock valuation report | 5 |
Stock transactions analysis report | 5 |
Quarantine stock report | 2 |
RoHS compliance report | 2 |
Receive into stock option | 2 |
Issue from stock option | 2 |
Move stock option | 2 |
Adjust stock option | 3 |
Move into quarantine option | 3 |
Move from quarantine option | 3 |
Urgent item tool | 2 |
Simple reporder point by family report | 2 |
Simple reorder point by vendor report | 2 |
Over ordered items report | 2 |
Stock status report | 2 |
Manually ordered items report | 2 |
Items without stock cover report | 2 |
Negative stock items report | 2 |
Urgently required items report | 2 |
Stocktake list - all items report | 3 |
Stocktake list - due items report | 3 |
Stocktaking tool | 3 |
Variance report | 3 |
Update stock levels option | 5 |
Stocktake periods option | 5 |
Last stocktake dates option | 5 |
Stock labels option | 2 |
Location labels option | 2 |
Partnumber tool | 5 |
Family details tool | 5 |
Import partnumber details option | 5 |
Import revised item details option | 5 |
Transfer costs option | 5 |
Transfer transactions option | 5 |
Manager Module
My information tool | 4 |
User details tool4 | 4 |
Tax details tool | 4 |
Non-working days tool | 4 |
User defined variables tool | 4 |
Clear all datafiles | 4 |
Import version 11 data option | 4 |
Zero stock figures option | 4 |
Initialise documents option | 4 |
Currency details report | 4 |
User details report | 4 |
Non-working days report | 2 |
Lock / unlock system option | 4 |
Currency tool | 4 |
Add more documents option | 4 |
Clear options in use option | 4 |
Clear records being updated option | 4 |
Clear stocktaking file option | 4 |
Copy livedata option | 4 |
Reindex datafiles option | 4 |
Optimise datafiles option | 4 |
Verify stock figures option | 4 |
Change family tool | 4 |
Change issue type tool | 4 |
Change order method tool | 4 |
Change RoHS status tool | 4 |
Change a partnumber tool | 4 |
Delete a whole family | 4 |