When the system calculates the requirements of a partnumber it can automatically include scrap if required. If you decide to include scrap the amount allowed depends on the scrap allowance, ignore below and round to figures recorded for the item.
For example, if you know that a particular raw material always incurs a 5% loss due to scrap, then entering 5% as its scrap allowance will tell Herschel to add on 5% to all calculated requirements.
One problem with this is that for small issues of this raw material the system might generate correspondingly small scrap quantities. In our above example a requirement of 0.9 units would have a scrap allowance of just 0.045 - this small quantity might be impractical to measure or issue. The ignore below figure can be set to tell the system to ignore small scrap quantities. If this was set to say 0.1 then the small allowance of 0.045 would be ignored and the calculated requirement would be 0.9 rather than 0.945 units.
The round to figure tells the system to always round up calculated requirements to the nearest whatever. If in the above example the round to figure had been set at 0.5 then the system would round up the requirement (plus scrap allowance, if any, and if above the ignore below figure) to 2 x 0.5 = 1.0 units.
Apart from scrap calculations, the round to figure is useful as it can avoid unrealistically precise quantities being calculated, such as 2.343234 metres of wire. It can also be used to cope with situations where material is always issued in discrete packs such as one kilogram pots of resin.
Remember Herschel will not include scrap or round quantities for a tooling item even if you enter a scrap percentage or round to figure in the item's stock record.