The sell module contains a file of selling pricelists. This is maintained using the sales pricelists tool:

You can have an unlimited number of pricelists. Each pricelist contains the selling prices and other information for a number of partnumbers.


The data held for each item is as follows:

Their Reference

The customer’s reference for the item, for example their partnumber.


comment about the item.

Update On

The update on date for the the prices.


The code of the currency the prices are held in.


Up to ten prices for the item.


Notice that each price held on file consists of a price, a quantity per, a percentage discount and a note:

The price, per and discount details are used by the system for its price calculations, whereas the notes are for your reference only.   Consider the following:


· an item is sold at a price of £22.00 each for quantities of less than 10 and £20.00 each for quantities of 10 or above. No discount is given. This would be entered into the sales pricelist as:









QTYS < 10




QTYS > 9

· another item is sold at a price of 250.00 per 100 for quantities less than 1000. For quantities above 1000 a 15% discount is given. This would be entered as:









QTYS < 1000




QTYS > 999

· a third item is sold for 52.43 each, with no discount, regardless of quantity. This would be entered as:










When an order is raised for a customer, the system looks in up to ten pricelists, as specified in the customer’s details. When the system looks for the price of an item for the customer, it first looks in pricelist one, and if it does not find it there it works through pricelists two, three, and so on as required.


It is up to you how you set up your pricelists. Here are some typical scenarios:

Each of your customers has their own custom pricelist.

If you are going to set-up your pricelists this way, it would make a lot of sense to make the name of each customer’s list the same as their customer code. Make pricelist one the customer’s custom pricelist.

All of your selling prices are common to all your customers

Have one large default pricelist. If you set up your prices like this call the default pricelist STANDARD and set pricelist one for all customers to be STANDARD.

Most of your selling prices are common to all customers, but some customers have agreed special deals for a few items.

You should call your common pricelist STANDARD. For those customers with special deals create custom pricelists, containing just the details of those items for which they have special prices. It makes sense to use the customer’s code as the name of their custom pricelist. Set pricelist one as each customer’s custom pricelist, and pricelist two as STANDARD.


You can save a lot of time when entering similar pricelists by using the copy sales pricelists option:

This option can be used to create new pricelists by copying an existing pricelist. It can also be used to overwrite an existing pricelist by copying the details from another.


This option can also streamline the issue of new pricelists. For example, consider a company that uses the STANDARD default pricelist for the majority of its customers. This pricelist is updated every three months. The process used to do this with the minimum amount of disruption is as follows:


The copy sales pricelists option is used to copy the STANDARD pricelist to a temporary pricelist called TEMP.


The TEMP pricelist is updated and thoroughly checked by the sales department. Note that during this period the STANDARD pricelist is unchanged and can be used as normal - there is no risk of the wrong prices being used.


When the TEMP pricelist is complete and correct, the copy sales pricelists option is used to overwrite the STANDARD pricelist with the prices in TEMP. All orders raised from this point will now use the new prices.