A sales order is raised when you sell a partnumber to a customer. Sales orders are entered using the sales order tool:
Each new order is sequentially numbered by the system as it is raised. Note that sales order numbers start with an S.
A sales order consists of two parts - order details and a number of order lines. The order details page contains the following information:
Customer Code | The customer’s code. |
Their Reference | The customer's refrence for the order. Herschel will warn you if an order has already been raised for this reference. |
Comment | A comment |
Job Number | When a new order line is added, its job number will be initially set to this value. |
Despatch Date | When a new order line is added, its despatch date will initially be set to this default date - although you are free to amend it if required. Entering a default date can reduce the amount of typing required when entering order details. |
Order Currency | The currency of the order. |
Delivery Address | The number of the delivery address to be used for this order. |
Invoice Address | The number of the invoice address to be used for this order. |
Settlement Discount | The settlement discount to be applied to the order for early payment. |
Settlement Period | The early settlement period to be applied to the order. |
Payment Terms | The payment terms for the order. |
Carriage Reminder | Whether a carriage reminder should be shown when the order is despatched (carraige can be entered as a non-stock item order line). |
Entered By | The code of the user who entered the order. |
Date Entered | The date the order was entered. |
If the customer is in the EC single market, extra analytical information is held in the order details.
The actual values entered are defined by your local tax regulations. The data held is:
Commodity Code | The commodity code of the items ordered. |
Delivery Terms | The delivery terms of the order. |
Nature of the Transaction | The nature of the transaction. |
Mode of Transport | The mode of transport for the order. |
For each sales order Herschel can also record header and memo text:
Header Text | This is included on sales order documents. |
Memo Text | This is NOT shown on sales order documents and can be used for in-house notes. |
The order lines page lists the items to be sold:
Each order line contains the following information:
Partnumber | The partnumber of the item required. |
Quantity Required | The quantity required. |
Despatch Date | The planned despatch date of the items. If no default despatch date has been entered in the order details then Herschel will use the sales lead time for the partnumber (held in the Store module) and the file of production non-working days to calculate a likely despatch date for the item. |
Required Date | The actual required date of the items. This is when the customer wants the item. |
Schedule Date | The schedule date of the items. This can be used to record what date you want the item to fit into your schedule, if you have one. |
Price | The price for the item. Herschel first looks for the item in the customer’s pricelist one. If only one price is found the pricing details are transferred automatically to the order line. If more than one price is found Herschel does not transfer the pricing details. Instead pressing the pricelist search allows you to examine the pricefile and decide yourself which price to use. If there are no prices for the item in the customer’s first pricelist, Herschel looks at the customer’s next pricelist. If one price is found the pricing details are transferred automatically to the order line. If more than one price is found pressing the pricelist search button allows you to examine the pricefile. If no prices are found, Herschel moves to the next pricelist and repeats the process. Note that the pricelist search button allows you to paste pricing details directly into the order line. |
Quantity Per | The quantity per to which the price applies. |
Discount % | The discount % taken off the price for the item. |
Tax Rate | The tax rate for the item, transferred from the item’s partnumber record. Note that if the customer is an EC single market or export customer the tax rate will be set to zero. |
Job Number | The job number (if any) that the item is for. |
Account Code | The account code for the item. This can be used to integrate with your accounts system. |
Comment | A comment. |
Sales order lines can also be entered for non-stock items. These are handled in exactly the same way as order lines for partnumbers, except no stock record of the item is maintained. This type of order line is useful for recording carriage and packing charges:
Note that there is no way to delete an order line once it has been entered. If you do enter a line in error, amend its quantity required to zero. The line will then be ignored, but will remain on file for audit purposes.
To speed up sales order entry use the copy / import lines page to copy an old order into a new order. Order lines can also be imported from a CSV file of data:
Sometimes you might need to delay an order, or bring it in earlier than planned. The move dudates page will let you do this quickly:
Once a sales order has been entered the print an acknowledgement option will create the acknowledgement as a PDF to print or email to your customer:
The system will warn you if an acknowledgement has already been printed. This option can also print out a pro-forma invoice if required:
The print many acknowledgements option will create a PDF containing many acknowledgements. If you select FIRST to LAST, and only print unprinted then Herschel will find the new ones for you: