Many of the Sell module reports print details for a range of items. This allows you to limit the amount of information listed. You should be careful when selecting the ranges for reports, as a report with a large range could be lengthy. Note that to start from the beginning of a range the word FIRST should be entered as the ‘from’ value. To go to the end of a range enter the word LAST as the ‘to’ value.
Many reports convert order values into the base currency of your system. This conversion is performed using current exchange rates.
The Reports In Detail
The orders by reports give details of ordered items for a range of partnumbers, customers or order numbers. Optionally only outstanding items will be listed, or items due on or before a given duedate. The order number sequence report can list single market details if required. These reports are useful for reference and checking purposes:
The orders by duedate report is an excellent progress chasing tool. This report can be limited to a range of customers if required. The report can show the future receipts expected for each order line:
The orders showing profile report is a useful planning tool. This report lists the future stock profiles for a range of partnumbers:
The sales order summary analysis reports summarise sales for a given range of duedates by area, sales area, customer, week or month. Optionally only outstanding items will be included in the summary calculations. This report provides useful management sales analysis data including sales markups and margins:
The stock availability report is a useful planning tool. This report lists the current stock situation for a range of families:
The sales order intake report analyses when orders were placed. It's a useful way to compare sales order intake with your planned sales figure:
The tax statistics report analyses the despatches of goods sold to other EC countries over a given period and produces a statistical report suitable for submission as an Intrastat supplementary tax declaration:
The customer details report lists full details for a range of customers, and is useful for reference or checking purposes:
The prices by reports give price details for a range of pricelists or partnumbers. These reports are useful for reference or checking purposes:
The pricelist comparison report analyses the selling prices held for a range of partnumbers. The selling prices are compared with current standard or latest costs. Margins or mark-ups below a certain limit can be highlighted. This report makes checking a large number of prices quick and easy:
The items despatched but not invoiced report lists those order lines which have appeared on a despatch note, but have not yet been invoiced. This is a very useful checking document
The despatch summary & transfer option produces a report that lists all despatches raised. This report is designed to allow easy manual entry of the data into an accounts package. Note that a despatch will only appear on a summary report once. This reduces the possibility of entering the details of a despatch into your accounts twice. A transfer file of data is produced that is suitable for transferring into your accounts package: