A kit list for a works order will contain all the assembly’s "as part of kit" issue type components. To simplify withdrawing the components from stock, Herschel generates a printed list of items required. This details all the partnumbers required, their quantities and their locations:

Kit lists are created as a PDF using the print a kit list option:

Herschel will warn you if you try to print a kit list more than once.  The kit list gives the kit's release date.  This is the date by which the kit should be issued if the works order is to be completed by its duedate.  The kit list can either be printed in the sequence it was created, or in location order, to simplify finding the items in your stores.


Various jobcards for the order can also be printed.  These can be used for a variety of purposes such as job identification or inspection recording.  A jobcard can be printed even if there is no kit for an order.


The print many kit lists option will create a PDF containing many kit lists.  If you select FIRST to LAST, and only print unprinted orders then Herschel will find the new ones for you.  This option can also print routecards for each order, as well as a kit list:

The items on the kit list are then physically taken from stock. The quantities taken from each location are noted on the kit list, along with any batch references, if required for traceability purposes.


The items on the kit list are then issued from stock on Herschel using the issue kit to an order option, which works through the kit list in line or location order. Using the issue kit line page, the details for each line issued can be entered:

A qucker way to issue stock is to use the issue all lines page.  This can issue several lines with one button click.  Note, if you need to alter the quantity issued, right-click the problem line and correct the figures:

Instead of issuing the kit of one works order, you can use the issue an item to many orders option. This works through the kit requirements for a given partnumber, in works order sequence.    Requirements can be shown one and issued one line at a time, or multiple lines can be shown and all lines issued at once:

This option is very useful if you receive a delivery of a component and need to distribute it between several works orders (this is very common in electronic / electrical assembly).