The vendor address labels option produces address labels for a range of vendors. These labels can be used for mailshots:

The purchase receipt labels option produces labels you can use to identify your stock.

To create labels,  first select the receipt / vendors required, then the number of labels per item, then the start label position.  Press the add button to add labels to your list, then when you've added all the labels, press the create button:


The vendor address labels option creates a PDF file of labels. The purchase receipt labels option can create a PDF file of labels or a CSV file of label data.

A PDF file of labels can be printed on 8 or 14 labels per A4 sheet.


This should be printed out actual size:

If create a csv file of label data is selected, a PDF is not created. Instead, a datafile is created which can be imported into your label printing software as follows:

Brother Label Printers

1) Use the Herschel print purchase receipt labels option to create a CSV file of label data as described above.

2) Open the Brother P-Touch Editor label printing software.

3) Open the label layout: \herschel_v11\version_12_system_files\v12_standard_labels\herschel_brother_purchase_receipt_label_29x90.lbx

4) The label will automatically link to the CSV datafile.

5) Print the labels.

6) To print different labels, first close the label in the Brother software, then use Herschel to create a new CSV, then re-open the label in the Brother software.  Closing the label is necessary because the Brother software keeps the CSV datafile open when the label is open, preventing Herschel from updating the data.

Dymo Label Printers

1) Use the Herschel print purchase receipt labels option to create a CSV file of label data as described above.

2) Open the Dymo Connect label printing software.

3) Open the label layout: \herschel_v11\version_12_system_files\v12_standard_labels\herschel_dymo_purchase_receipt_label_28x90.dymo

4) The label will automatically link to the CSV datafile.

5) Print the labels.

6) To print different labels, use Herschel to create a new CSV, then press the import button in the Dymo software to import the new data. There is no need to close and re-open the label.