Instead of using your mouse to navigate Herschel, you can save time by using keyboard shortcuts.

Main Herschel Window Shortcuts

To move between modules press the ALT key and the underlined letter in the module's name.  For example, press ALT and S to go to the Sell module:

To select an option in a module, just press the underlined module in the option's name.  For example, in the Sell module, press T to open the sales order tool:

Option Windows Shortcuts

To move around the window use the TAB key and the shift and TAB keys.

To press a button press the ALT key and the underlined letter in the button's text.  For example, press ALT and D to discard your changes:

Press the ESC key to close the option window, if it can be closed.

Editing Shortcuts


Herschel allows you to use the usual Windows editing shortcuts when you're entering data:

HOME Go to start of the data you're entering.
END Go to the end of the data you're entering.
SHIFT Select the data you move the cursor over.  Note you can use this with HOME and END to quickly select all the data at once.
CTRL and C Copy the selected data to the clipboard.
CTRL and X Cut the selected data and copy it to the clipbaord.
CTRL and V Paste the current contents of the clipboard.

Mouse Shortcuts


To move to any particular data just move your data over it and click the left mouse button once.

Double-clicking the left mouse button will select the current word:

Triple-clicking the left mouse button will select all the data:

Triple-clicking is really useful.  We discovered this by accident - it also works in other applications such as Microsoft Word.


If you move your cursor over some data and click the right mouse button once a menu of editing options will appear:

If your cursor is on a list, in some Herschel options if you click the right mouse button, Herschel will allow you to alter the data in the list: